Wednesday, February 23, 2011


What better to write about then something you are trying to better understand. Patience has been a hard principle for me throughout my life. like most people when i want something i want it now or maybe even 5 minutes ago. President Uchtdorf Had a great talk given in April of 2010 Titled Continue in patience. President Uchtdorf made a statement that has stuck with me and really helped me in time's that i know i need to develop greater patience. He Stated  "sometimes it is in the waiting rather than in the receiving that we grow the most".  In striving to be more patient myself i have taken this statement and applied the principle  to my life. When trials come up in life i think about what it is that i need to learn from whatever the trial may be. I have found that doing this has really helped me to be calm, to think about what the solution may be and then to act. I think patience or the ability to be patient really allows us to know our selves better, as we work towards a goal we learn so many things about our selves and about other's that we may have never known. I am grateful for the trials that we are given to learn and grow from.

1 comment:

  1. Patience is one hard thing to learn when there are difficulties that come with them and/or even people.

    It takes a person many years to even learn to be calm and come up with a solution. Most act on feelings and emotions and regret what is to come later. So be proud that you found that and able to access rely and use in your life for many years to come.
