Wednesday, February 23, 2011


What better to write about then something you are trying to better understand. Patience has been a hard principle for me throughout my life. like most people when i want something i want it now or maybe even 5 minutes ago. President Uchtdorf Had a great talk given in April of 2010 Titled Continue in patience. President Uchtdorf made a statement that has stuck with me and really helped me in time's that i know i need to develop greater patience. He Stated  "sometimes it is in the waiting rather than in the receiving that we grow the most".  In striving to be more patient myself i have taken this statement and applied the principle  to my life. When trials come up in life i think about what it is that i need to learn from whatever the trial may be. I have found that doing this has really helped me to be calm, to think about what the solution may be and then to act. I think patience or the ability to be patient really allows us to know our selves better, as we work towards a goal we learn so many things about our selves and about other's that we may have never known. I am grateful for the trials that we are given to learn and grow from.